Jerusalem Hills

Hand-Colored, Limited Edition
Letterpress Print
by Peggy H. Davis

Jerusalem Hills is a series of two signed, limited-edition prints. The micrographic text is composed of verses that refer to Jerusalem or mountains. The contours are those of the hills looking from Jerusalem toward the Dead Sea. Each print is hand-colored with pastels, so each one is unique. Both the Hebrew and Hebrew-English prints are available on plant/rag paper from India. One paper is banana/rag, with a neutral beige color with tiny plant pieces visible in the paper. The other paper is algae/rag, and has a greenish tinge, with curly fibers visible in the paper. This paper should be framed with UV protective glass, as the fiber color isn't lightfast.

Print only: 150.00
Print in acid-free mat: 200.00
Print in mat and black metal or wooden frame: 280.00

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